
Climate change solutions: how to make a difference

From drought to floods and devastating bushfires, in Australia, we are feeling the damage that climate change is doing to our planet.

Climate change is bigger than any of us individually. But together there are climate change solutions we can all implement…

…and these solutions can make a big difference.

Climate change solutions

Be part of the solution, not the problem

Climate change solutions start with awareness and acknowledgement. Awareness that there is a problem and acknowledgement that we all need to play our part to turn it around. It’s about being part of the climate change solution, not the problem.

And those climate change solutions are about starting small – reviewing your own usage and taking action to reduce your impact.

Check your light bulbs

Check your light bulbs

Standard halogen light bulbs are highly energy inefficient. From September 2020 they will be banned in Australia… but that doesn’t mean you can’t start making the shift now.

Small changes add up… and while switching to energy-efficient light bulbs may seem like a minor change, over time the difference your light bulb choices make will certainly combine to make a large difference.

There are different types of energy efficient light bulbs.

While LEDs have a higher upfront cost than other energy saving light bulb options, LEDs use the least energy, last the longest and produce the best light.

Switch off from standby mode

Switch off from standby mode

Even when appliances are on standby, they are using energy in your home.

According to Choice, you could be paying up to $100 or more per year for unnecessary power and contributing more than 1000kg of greenhouse gases to the environment.

Obviously, there are some appliances that can’t be switched off, such as your fridge or freezer, but where possible, turning off appliances when not in use will make a big difference.

Look around your home and see what can be turned off such as:

  • Home entertainment appliances such as your TV, DVD or Blu-ray player, Apple TV etc.
  • Kitchen benchtop appliances such as your toaster, kettle, blender etc.
  • Washing machine and dryer
  • Computers, printers and modems
  • Chargers not in use

Move to renewable energy

Move to renewable energy

Our energy usage is a huge contributor to climate change. Coal powered electricity stations emit toxic emissions into the air. These greenhouse gas emissions are highly damaging to our environment.

When you switch to renewables such as solar energy, you are reducing your reliance on traditional coal-powered energy. The less coal-powered energy you use, the fewer emissions will be released into the environment.

When you switch to solar, there is a higher upfront cost… but the savings in your energy bill over time will quickly add up.

Review your appliances

Review your appliances

If you are in the market for new appliances, start by checking their energy efficiency rating.

A higher rating is better on your back pocket… and will contribute fewer of those coal-powered emissions into the environment.

Replacing your appliances can be costly, so there are a few things you can do with your existing appliances to lessen your footprint:

  • Ensure your dishwasher is full before you switch it on
  • Keep your fridge clean and well stocked – a full fridge will run more efficiently than an empty one
  • Use a cool wash on your washing machine rather than a hot wash
  • Clean the lint filter in your dryer regularly
  • While you are cooking use glass or ceramic dishes as they are better heat conductors and can save your oven cooking time

Save water

One of the impacts of climate change is drought – something we are no strangers to in Australia. Water is a precious resource and we need to conserve it.

Save water

Shorter showers will go some way to helping save water… but there are other things we can do to limit how much water we are using:

  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
  • Use the half flush on your toilet
  • Install a water-efficient showerhead
  • Catch the run-off water from your shower in a bucket and use it – within 24 hours – to water your garden
  • Install a rainwater tank to catch and store rainwater for use on your garden

Climate change commitment

At Grand Group Australia, until the end of February 2020, we are donating $100 from every solar system we sell to the Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery. This is part of our ongoing commitment to rewriting the energy story in Australia. We want to drive climate change solutions and turn climate change on its head.

Contact us to learn more about switching to solar energy and the difference it can make to the environment.

Save with SolarGet in touch today